2024 Taiwan TFT Conference
This is the first domestic conference on thin film transistor science and technology.
The purpose of the conference is to get together researchers, engineers, and students from universities and industry in Taiwan who are involved in research, development, and manufacture on TFTs to exchange experience, to find collaboration opportunities, to discuss the latest developments, and stimulate future research ideas.
The conference includes invited and contributed speakers as well as student posters. The papers can be presented in Mandarin or English as long as the presenter feel comfortable in clearly expressing his/her material.
Technical Program
• TFT Device Physics, Modeling, and Reliability
• Semiconductors, Dielectrics, and Interconnect
• Advanced Fabrication Processes
• New and Novel Applications
• Problem Solving on Current and Future manufacture
●【元件】:物理、電腦模擬、可靠度 ●【材料】:半導體、介電體、金屬材料
●【應用】:顯示器、IC、感測、醫學圖像 ●【現今與未來製造的問題解決】
Yue Kuo
Chair Professor
Department of Photonics
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Welcome to the first Taiwan TFT conference. The purpose of the conference is to get together researchers, engineers, and students from universities and industry in Taiwan who are involved in research, development, and manufacture on TFTs to exchange experience, to find collaboration opportunities, to discuss the latest developments, and stimulate future research ideas.
The conference includes invited and contributed speakers as well as student posters. The papers can be presented in Mandarin or English as long as the presenter feel comfortable in clearly expressing his/her material.
Everyone is welcome to attend this conference as a presenter or listener or to participate in discussions.
Only original and unpublished works are invited.
Papers should be written in dual column format in A4 size paper and should not exceed ONE page including figures.
Only English abstracts are accepted.
Authors are strongly advised to ensure the accuracy of the submitted abstracts. Any mistakes in literature or in scientific facts will be published as what have been submitted.
Before submitting, please prepare your paper strictly according to this template guidelines and specifications. If paper received failed to meet the specifications, the committee reserves the right to reject the submission.
All papers should be submitted in both WORD and PDF format to tftconferencetaiwan@gmail.com